Embracing Patience: Focusing on God’s Work to Live a Joyful Life

“You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”

Hebrews 10:36 NIV

We often think of patience as simply enduring and staying in place, but true patience is about constantly remembering God’s work and focusing on it. This means that even if our current situation or environment doesn’t align with our goals or ideals, instead of complaining and staying idle, we should shift our focus away from the situation. We should always imagine ourselves being guided wonderfully by God.

When we vividly envision ourselves in God’s abundant grace, joy and gratitude naturally well up within us, no matter our circumstances. Additionally, we should recall the wonderful works God has done in the past and turn these memories into gratitude.

By continuously remembering and appreciating the magnitude of God’s past and future works, we can avoid being fixated on our current situation and instead remember that we are part of God’s plan. When we can shift our thinking from the negative aspects of our current circumstances to envisioning ourselves walking in God’s wonderful grace, we become empowered to fully commit to what we can do now. This allows us to be used by God and to lead a wonderful life!