“Power of Words: Shaping Our Lives and God’s Work”

The words we hear and choose to accept, whether positive or negative, can greatly impact our lives and determine the extent of God’s work and our level of happiness.

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Some of us get influenced by the people around us, the media, and even our own thoughts and words. It’s important to be mindful and filter out negative influences.

How we react to the words we hear determines how much God can work in our lives and affects our happiness. We have the choice to see things in a positive or negative light, no matter the situation.

God’s word is incredibly powerful, more than any other words we hear. Instead of accepting negative statements like “this is too hard” or “things will never change,” we can turn them around. We can say, “I believe I can overcome anything through His strength” and “God’s amazing plan is in motion, even if I can’t see it yet.”

Every time we hear something, it’s important to analyze whether it’s negative or positive, and then reframe the negative words into something positive and encouraging. Sometimes we receive uplifting words from others, but we often don’t pay enough attention to our own words throughout the day.

When we make a habit of controlling our words and aligning them with God’s Word, we’ll start to see His incredible vision for our lives and experience a truly wonderful life!